Saturday, March 31, 2012

Good memories

tonight after the kids tennis lessons we grilled out and ate outside. the kids wanted to build a fire in the chiminia. after the fire was blazing really well we all sat around a fire and just chilled. Adrienne crawled up in my lap into my phone and started playing with it. I showed her how to use google sky and a flashlight function and she played with my phone 20 minutes. it feels so good to me when she sits in my lap and talks to me. of course all atticus wanted to do was burn things in the fire. in london brought me a poem that she wrote that the head vertically spelled daddy and for each letter and daddy she made a poem that reads dream always loving daughter darling your daughter who love you a lot, london. it is times like this I would like to remember forever because I know when children never stay the way they are now. everything changes for better or for worse but I just want to lock this day away in my memory and preserve it there forever.

I am sitting outside enjoying the nice fire in the chiminia in trying to listen to nature but being a saturday night and Catawba county all I can hear is the fucking roar of stock car engines from the hickory motor speedway.

I am dictating this post using the speech recognition function on my phone so it will probably be less than grammatically correct but after a bottle of fine winesit really doesn't make a hill of shit to me.

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