Monday, January 26, 2015

Sleeping arrangements

Adrienne is now sleeping by herself in her room and so is Atticus.  It has been about a week that Adrienne has been sleeping on her own.  We will see if it sticks.  

Adrienne has a small cut on her than that interferes with her thumb sucking.  She said she couldn't sleep last night because of it. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Bedtime Niceties and Difficulties

Atticus still fights going to bed.  He will come up with any little reason to delay bedtime.  Usually he says something like "but I didn't get desert!"  Of course he has been playing for two hours after dinner with every opportunity to get desert for himself but doesn't do it.

None of my kids like to sleep alone yet.  Normally at least two of them will sleep together- usually Adrienne and London.

Tonight I tucked Adrienne in to bed by herself.  First she wanted to read me a book.  She read a book for preschoolers about getting ready to go to bed then a book more age appropriate about Sharks.  She always likes me to tuck her in and I give her a kiss goodnight and tell her I love her.

Tonight after about 10 minutes she came back downstairs and said she needed a back massage.  She said she counted to 40 sheep but couldn't go to sleep.  I offered to go to her room and count with her which she readily accepted.

I tucked her in again and laid down beside her and started counting.  At about 20 she said "Dad, you can leave when we get to forty."

I told her that I would leave when we got to 100 and she seemed to like that.  I think she told me I could leave because she is the type of person that usually thinks of others first and she knew that she had interrupted me so I think she was trying not to inconvenience me so much.

I relish times like this because I know they will not last....

And as usual London announced to me at about 9:00 PM after she was in bed that she still had homework to do... She is a master procrastinator.