Saturday, December 24, 2011

Santa Visits Newton, NC

Santa came to our house tonight. We didn't burn a fire just so he could come down the chimbley. He brought my children so many toys... too many toys. He ate some cookies and drank some soy milk left out for him. He also took some oatmeal left out for his reindeer. I suggested to Tamara that maybe we should leave out some white lines so the reindeer wouldn't lose their magic. For some reason she didn't think that was funny.

Dammit Santa, next year don't bring so many damn presents.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Santa Claws

Tonight Tam and I wrapped presents from Santa - a rediculous amount of gifts. Fourteen for Adrienne alone and that doesn't count the stocking suffers. I really don't like the excess that we are teaching our kids that they will consider the norm.

We watched the Hangover 2- not as good as the first ont, but nonetheless funny.

Kids are at Mimi's.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Big Assed Red oak

I paid a tree company $900 to fell a very large red oak that was fairly close to my house. My father was so worried about it falling on my house. I truly believe that the chances of it falling on my house anytime in the next 60+ years were almost zero. it was leaning kind of towards my house but it was completely healthy and had a very good root system. I just took it down so my father would not worry.

So my father let me borrow his chainsaws and got the chains sharpened and supplied me with gas and I cut up all the wood today. Next will be to split all of it. The scary thing is that I really enjoy doing this. there is something about manual labor and wielding a chainsaw that I like.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Getting ready for bed

Night always proves to be somewhat of a challenge. When Tamara or I announce that it is time for bed inevitably Atticus will pitch a fit and say he is hungry and that he did not get his desert. Normally we cave in but tonight I didn't. I called his bullshit on it. It is just a stall tactic because they don't like to go to bed. But we try to stick to a schedule because routine is good for kids at that age.

Adrienne has really warmed up to me over the past six months. Now she will give me kisses goodnight and hugs at any request. She asks me to play with her frequently. At nights she always wants me with her when she brushes her teeth because she says she is scared and doesn't like to be alone. She doesn't like to go downstairs at night by herself because she is scared. The same goes for London. Both the girls have me wrapped completely around their fingers as it should be. I know this stage won't last forever and I will do my best to enjoy it while it is here.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Out of School

Today London was out of school just like yesterday. She claims that she is sick and she did have a fever yesterday but she doesn't have one today. Tamara let her stay home. London was well aware that I thought she should go to school so she hid from me when I came home from Lunch. She told Tamara that I was mad at her. Being the nice father I am I hugged her and told her that I wasn't mad at her. Tamara explained to her that not wanting to go to school was not a valid reason to stay home.