Saturday, April 27, 2013

Atticus' first lost tooth

So Atticus just got over strep throat.  He has it almost all last week and was out of school almost the entire week.  He went through two rounds of antibiotics because the first round was not working.

Tamara is out of town this weekend at Wild Dunes with her tennis girlfriends- she left Thursday morning.  Adrienne woke up Friday morning with a 101 degree fever.  I stayed home with her although she went with me to drop the kids off at school.

Adrienne laid around all day Friday and watched TV.  She said her throat hurt but it wasn't red so I decided not to take her to the doctor.  Tamara found out about her fever and to the doctor to call in a prescription.

I left Adrienne at home by herself for the first time (for me at least) when I went to pick up the kids from school.  She was asleep anyway.

Atticus had a baseball game on Friday afternoon so Mom and Dad took him to the game.  Mom then came over this morning at 8:00 so I could go bike riding with my neighbor  Brian- we did 30 miles.  Mom then took Atticus and London to their game and practice respectively.

At his baseball game Attics lost his first tooth- a lower incisor.  Mom brought the kids home and we went out to rent some movies and eat at Wild Wok and get some ice cream at Cold Stone Cramery.

We got home and watched E.T. circa 1982.  It was a little too scary for Adrienne.  She is sleeping in my wed with me to ward off scary thoughts.  Atticus is sleeping in London's bed with his tooth underneath his pillow.

Adrienne is asleep beside me in bed as I type this snoring like a freight train.

Adrienne and London normally sleep together in London's bed and Atticus normally sleeps in his own bed.