Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pain in the Odessa

I am in Odessa Texas for a business trip to see a specific customer. I flew all the way out here and that customer stood me up. Fortunately we were able to see other customers but none as important as the one who I was supposed to see. Things are so busy out here no one seems to know what is going on.

It is difficult for people to find good help because of the economic activity- waitresses in diners are making $15 / hour. So the guy I was supposed to see had been transferred to another job and he had no clue who was going to be replacing the position he left. It would have been nice if he had told us this before we got here.

Odessa Texas is an interesting place. It is extremely busy right now with all the oil drilling. The city seems to be abuzz with activity. This is essentially a desert- it seems that there are virtually no trees- only oak scrub brush and millions upon millions of plastic bags stuck in the scrub. It is flat so the winds always howl and blow everything away and around.

Enough about that- the pain in my back has moved to my upper arms and to my spine. It has not subsided and has been affecting my sleep and work. If I were going to self diagnose I would say that it is Cervical spondylosis because I seem to be exhibiting the symptoms. This really sucks! I am tired of the constant dull pain in my arm, back and neck. It is annoying and interfering with my life. I pop Naproxen but I don't really think it works.

I go to see the doctor on Friday. I hope she gets me an MRI to find out what the hell is causing this.

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