Monday, July 14, 2014

I'm such an idiot

Saturday we took off for our mountain house around 4:30. Yesterday I didn't ride my bike as I had planned but moved the green sofa from 168 Galax Loop house to our new house with Marty and Tamara. The sofa is a sleeper so it was really heavy.

The kids really wanted to fish so we drove around looking for live bait on Sunday.  All the places that carry bait that were withing 30 minutes driving distance were closed.  So I had the kids start digging in the dirt in front of our house for worms.  They found small worms and lots of centipedes.

Later Tamara and I took the kids by the police station to get a fishing license but the police guy wasn't there. He was supposed to return in an hour so we hit the beach and played cornhole and the kids played in the sand.

After an hour the police guy still hadn't shown up so we went ahead across the street to the pond near the trash dump to fish without a license.  London caught one little sunfish so we surmised that it was too hot to fish in the middle of the day and returned back home.

We returned home and I laid around in the LazyBoy recliner we had temporarily relocated on the back porch.  I drank 2 Mike's Hard Lemonade Black Cherry Malt beverages and then Tamara opened a bottle of sparkling white wine and we were feeling pretty good.

The kids found more worms so I piled the kids in the golf cart and I put Atticus in my lap and let hm steer all the way to the Police Station where we finally got fishing licenses for the kids.  We then went to the kid's fishing pond and the kids all caught fish - some sunfish and small bass.

 The sun had gone down and the fishing was good but the light was fading fast so I had to drive the cart back to the house - it doesn't have lights and it was pretty dark- an adventure to say the least.

Being a Sunday I had to work the next day so I tried to figure out how I was going to get my bike back home in my small BMW.  Convertible cars come in handy at times!

I arrived home safely after a cool summer night's drive down the mountain.  I really enjoyed hearing all the cicadas singing.  That is one of my favorite sounds.  I opened the door to the house and walked into the fourier and closed the garage door behind me and I still heard the loud cicadas inside the house.  Well, the front door was wide open.  I had been air conditioning the great outdoors and inviting anyone into my house for over 24 hours!

I ran upstairs and got the Glock and checked all the rooms and closets for possible uninvited intruders - none to be found.  I then noticed I heard water running.  Then I remembered that I had put the hose in the fountain to fill it up on Saturday before we left.  I had forgotten to turn off the hose so the water was running over 24 hours as well.

I am such an idiot!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Atticus quote of the day

Does Duck Commander sell fishing poles?