Sunday, July 28, 2013

Leaving the kids alone at home for the first time

after all the flooding and mayhem from yesterday there's a shitload of stuff for me to clean up.  the blower is out of gas and I don't have any 2 cycle oil to mix in the gas.  so I need to run out to the auto parts store to get some 2 cycle oil.  the kids are laying around the house watching movies and being themselves pretty much lazy.   their mother was out getting her nails done ahead of our trip to Napa Valley. so I decided it was time for me to leave them there by themselves for the first time.

with a little luck hopefully the house will still be standing when I get back.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Stupid dog

Stanis the dog is not over his chewing yet.  Left unsupervised he will chew everything.  My flipflops have been recently ruined.  We have painters who are painting our cabinets and somehow the dog has managed to make off with all their painter's tape and chew it up.  Every day there is a fresh batch of small chewed up papers, toys plants or other miscellaneous debris. I guess it is not the dog's fault- he is bored, but I am ready for him to be out of this stage.

London went to camp Seafarer today a day late due to the fact that she had been running a low-grade fever.  She was so excited to go.  Atticus had his last All-Stars baseball practice before the first game on Friday.

Adrienne still likes to look through my hair for dead skin.