Friday, February 14, 2014

New Parental Titles

For a while now our three children have not been calling me and Tamara by name.  They call me "Dagoo" and Tamara "Mermgoo."

It all started when London came home singing a song she made up with lyrics that go:

Oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaah
My name is Dagooooooo
My Dagoo is the best
He's weird too!

The last line was added by Arienne a few weeks after the initial creation of the lyrics.

So this little song became popular and she even had her friends singing it with her.  The popularity then changed into my full-time name.  They frequently do the baby talk thing and Dagoo fits in perfectly with this whiny speaking inflection.  It becomes very annoying very quickly listening to the baby talk.  All 3 of my children call me Dagoo more often than they call me Dad or any other name.

Tamara's name is a bit different but along the same lines.  Since they loved the attention they got when they called me Dagoo they started adding the "goo" suffix to the names of all the people and pets in our house.  Tamara became "Momgoo" then that somehow morphed into "Mermgoo"

London is "Longoo"
Adrienne is "Adriennegoo"
The dog Stanis is "Stangoo"
The dog Renly is "Rengoo"

And Atticus is not "Attigoo" as expected but "Attipoo."

Adrienne's alternate name is "Sausage Weiner Schnitzel."
London's alternate name is "Pie Eater"

I wish I had the same level of creativity!