Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Can't Switch It Off

This is the second night in a row that I have woken up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep.

I just can't seem to be able to switch off my brain.  I have my procrastination to thank for this.  I have a person who will hold me accountable for my lack of progress on Strategic Planning coming tomorrow and i think that is why I can't sleep.

I was tired all day today and now I will be even more tired tomorrow.  Sucks but I have no one to blame but myself.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sleeping Problems

Atticus can't sleep with his feet under the covers because he says they get too hot.  Last night he had his feet out of the covers but was whining because they were still too hot.  So I got a washcloth for him and wet it and put it on his feet.

Adrienne for some reason has suddenly not wanted to sleep in her room by herself- she says she is scared.  London doesn't want her to sleep in her bed with her and neither does Atticus want her to sleep in his bed with him.  Last night eventually after a lot of whining and crying from both her and Atticus we got Adrienne to sleep in her room.  The night before she slept in bed with Atticus.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Low White Blood Cell confusion

So I went back to my family doctor for my annual physical and the digital exam went fine - my prostate is good.  I had the blood test done and my cholestorol is over 200 - no so good but worst of all my white blood cell count is still low- just below normal.  It has been a year now with a low white blood cell count.

As a result I went to my Oncologist on December 4 where my white blood cell count was tested again and still found to be low and he suggested that I have another bone marrow biopsy like the one I had a year ago.

I have been in Honduras the past three days and this morning I noticed a bump right below my right ear lob where my jaw and neck come together.  I don't know if this is a begnin nothing to be worried about bump or not but considering the unexplained low white blood cell count, this will make me think a few more times than I normally would.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Call me Dagoo

For some bizzare reason London started calling me Dagoo.  Now Adrienne and Atticus are calling me that too

... kids.

Adrienne Loses Tooth

Adrienne lost one of her lower incisors yesterday in gym class.  She pulled it right out.  She couldn't wait to show me when I got home from work.  She ran to me and asked "Daddy, do you see anything different about me?"  I didn't see it and she had to point it out to me.