Friday, September 11, 2015

Getting over Sick

Today is the first day that I have not coughed my head off.  So for the record this sickness lasted about a week.  No fever and no doctor visit.  Just a lot of coughing, phlegm and headaches.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


I started feeling it on Thursday night September 3.  Friday the 4th in the morning I felt terrible and I stayed in bed until about 10.

Saturday the 5th I was feeling a bit better and took the boat to the lake.  Drank only water.

Sunday the 6th went to the lake again.  Drank only water.  Felt a bit better but still a cough.

Monday the 7th felt a bit better still but still the hacking cough. Coughing up phlegm from my chest.

Today still have the cough.  Couldn't sleep.  Plenty of phlegm.